
Victoria Horticultural Society (VHS)
Centenary Micro-Grants

To mark the beginning of its second century, the VHS wanted to support access to, and creative innovation in, gardening (in its widest sense) in the Greater Victoria area.

We received 22 applications for grants; awards of $500 each were given to 10 projects. These cover a diversity of gardening-related initiatives, and recipients come from all over the CRD. I hope that you will agree with me that it is an impressive list!

• Small projects like these are happening all over the CRD, many of them “tucked away” just out of sight.

• Enthusiastic volunteers are at the heart of each and every one of them. Often, a single person has been the “champion”, moving from an idea to a fully-realized project.

• Many of the projects involved young people at every stage, and two of them were championed, and are being led, by younger gardeners.

More information about each of the funded projects can found by clicking on the links below, and will be updated as they move forward. Check back often for the latest news!

Burnside Gorge Community Association – Food forest garden

Central Saanich Community GardenCommunity bed

Colwood Community Gardens – Pollinator and indigenous garden

Compost Education Centre – “Let it Rot”

Friends of Bowker Creek Society – Habitat remediation

Point Ellice House – Naturalized meadow

St. George’s Anglican Church – Woodland walk

T’sou-ke First Nation – Food security

Vic West Elementary School – Seed library

Yates Street Community Garden – Micro-orchard