As a member of the VHS, you’ll have access to plant identifications, plant selection and cultivation tips, as well as general expertise and inspiration from some of the most experienced gardeners in the Victoria area. You’ll be able to attend fascinating lectures on a variety of topics by invited guest speakers at our monthly meetings, not to mention useful workshops and other events that are scheduled throughout the year.
One of the most popular benefits of membership is the Open Gardens program which permits members to view private local gardens the general public does not have the chance to see. VHS members love to “Share what they know and Show what they grow” and we’d love to have you join us.
Another important learning component of the VHS is our Tours and Field Trips Program. Trips are organized to visit gardens and meet with other gardeners and, of course, to learn about different plants and horticultural methods. The objectives of these field trips are to impart and exchange information, gain ideas that may be used in our own gardens here in Victoria and to enjoy pleasant social interactions with “like” souls. These tours are all at a reasonable cost. Naturally, we try to stop at the best nurseries and garden retail outlets along the way!
Gardener’s Connection is a mentorship program which pairs those new to the pastime (or who are new to gardening in Victoria) with more experienced gardeners. It is not intended to be a formal “coaching” relationship, rather an informal pairing where help could be sought on a casual basis.
Our Garden-Sharing Program pairs members who are no longer able to make full use of their gardens with those who may not have access to a garden of their own.
The New Members’ Group offers a chance for those new to the VHS to meet other members in a relaxed, small group setting. Members have an interesting range of experience and knowledge to share, and may includes novices, seasoned gardeners, locals or those new to the area. The dates and time vary depending on the activity.
Our Ride-Sharing Service enables members who don’t drive (or who are, at times, unable or reluctant to drive) to arrange rides to and from our meetings (and other events) with members who offer to take them.
Member Discounts: Many of our garden retail donors offer VHS members a 10% discount, upon presentation of a current membership card.
These are only some of the benefits enjoyed by our members.
- The annual membership fee is $30.00 per household. Membership is effective from the day we receive payment.
- You can pay online by e-Transfer, or by mail using the form below.
- You can also join by coming to any of our monthly meetings where the membership desk is open before the meeting, and during the “tea break.”
Visitors are welcome. Please identify yourself at the membership desk at the entrance. There is a $5 drop-in fee for the evening for our regular meetings. If you decide to become a member that same evening, the drop-in fee will be credited towards your membership.
Membership Registration
VHS Yearly Membership – Paper & Cheque
By cheque or pick up at a meeting
Download our printable membership form below and follow the instructions therein.
By eTransfer
1. Complete our online form and submit.
2. Send an eTransfer for $30 to