Vendor Sales Tables


The VHS has plant sales tables available at meetings for the benefit of members and to raise funds that support our speaker presentations, workshops and other projects.

Tables are available at our monthly meetings for VHS Members and members of the gardening community to sell a range of garden goods. Please find the guidelines below.

  • We welcome plants, bulbs, seeds, cuttings, soil amendments, pollinators and related material, compost amendments, hardware and books
    • Plants should be potted, weed and pest free, and identified with plant tags.
    • We have a responsibility to be aware of plants that have been identified as invasive on Vancouver Island or are considered to have the potential to escape into natural habitat.  The VHS reserves the right to remove plants meeting such criteria.
    • Nursery orders purchased for resale are not allowed.
    • Low risk foods (as determined by the CRD) are allowed but the VHS reserves the right to determine what foods may be sold. Acceptable foods shouldn’t compete with the tea room sales (ie. cookies, brownies etc.) The seller is responsible to ensure that all CRD food sales guidelines have been met.
  • The Table charge will be $10.00 minimum donation for members, $15 for non-members.
    • Monies will be collected at the meeting by our Sales Coordinator.
    • The VHS Exec has the discretion to waive the fee in some circumstances.
  • One table per participant will be allocated but tables can be shared. A second table can be allocated if available. (The demand for tables will be highest in the spring and summer).
  • Tables will be allotted on a ‘first come, first served basis’. The Coordinator will endeavour to balance all requests fairly.
  • Tables must be booked with as much notice as possible. Two weeks notice is preferred. Sales table assignment will be cut off 2 days prior to the meeting.
  • The Sales Coordinator, in cooperation with the Program Coordinator will be in charge of the arrangement of the tables.
  • Tables must be set up by 6:30 p.m. – quietly – if a workshop in progress.
  • Vendors must clean up their table before leaving the meeting either at the break or after the speaker (so as not to make noise during the talk).
  • The Vendor is solely responsible for their product. The VHS is merely providing a facility.
  • The meetings workshop and main speaker are permitted a table(s) to promote and sell materials related to their presentation (the Program Coordinator will advise)

To book a table e-mail: