We challenged our Members to plant 100 trees to celebrate 100 years of horticultural leadership in our community.
Below you will find their stories — the trees they chose and why they chose them.
The municipalities of Victoria, Colwood, Esquimalt and Saanich also participated in this initiative by dedicating trees planted in their areas. For details of these, see here.
Tree Number One Hundred!
Diane and Hector have been volunteering for the VHS for over 40 years. Diane says she can’t remember the exact date but says she starting helping out in 78 or 79 followed by Hector in 82.
Diane does an informative talk each meeting called “Plant of the Month”. In honour of the 100 Tree initiative in 2021 Diane changed her talk to “Tree of the Month”. You probably noticed a few people mention they were inspired by her talk and planted the tree she highlighted.
Diane and Hector have contributed in so many ways there are too many to mention. Hector’s time on the VHS board stands out as they recall it was a turbulent time for the VHS.
Now you will find this charming couple at the member plant sale table which they coordinate. They greet everyone with a smile and are very generous with their vast knowledge.
Diane and Hector chose to donate a Witch Hazel to the Mixed Borders at the Gardens at HCP. The cultivar ‘Diane’ was picked by the bed’s curators as a surprise for them. They and other Hardy members began designing and caring for these beds in 1996.
Hamamelis x intermedia is a cross between Chinese witch hazel (Hamamelis mollis) and Japanese witch hazel (Hamamelis japonica). A perfect focal point in a sunny bed for winter interest. It features sweetly scented red flowers that appear in late winter before the foliage. The leaves turn pleasing shades of red, orange and yellow in the fall.
Diane and Hector are long time members of the Hardy Plant group. The group began as a small study group of plantaholics. They were invited to join in 1984, a date Diane clearly recalls due to an accident that happened at work that year. The group meet for lively discussions on the merits of not-so hardy plants and to brag about their latest unusual acquisition. Hector joined the argument soon after.
Tree Number Ninety Nine!
(photo to come)
Mariev chose to plant a beautiful purple Prunis ‘TOKA’ , a self-pollinating cross between the Prunus Americana and the Japanese Prunus salicina and having a profusion of heavenly fragrant white spring blossoms followed by a covering of shiny green leaves. Perfect for a Japanese, at least in principle.
“Because my garden, with very little digging, is basically one huge rock, I’ve learned to start most of my plantings in huge plastic pots which have had their bottoms cut out to give the plants an extra edge until they find a suitable fissure in the rock on which to “make a life”. Here’s hoping it works again!”
The 100 Tree Project
Tree Number Ninety Eight Ian Tresidder Larix decidua ‘Horsrmann Recurved’ ![]() Ian can’t resist a dwarf tree. He brought this treasure home only to find he already had one…but really, can you ever have too many! It will be added to an impressive collection of small and unusual trees that he expertly prunes and displays in their collector's garden. | Tree Number Ninety Seven Sandy Reber Malus domestica ‘Gravenstein’ “The tree we recently planted is a dwarf Gravenstein, a bit of an oxymoron I think, but we love Gravenstein apples. We already have a big Gravenstein on our property, it was already old when we moved here 26 years ago, and it consistently gives us between 600 to 800 pounds of apples every year! The dwarf we planted is partly to see how the apples compare in taste and to see if it thrives, as you don’t see dwarf Gravensteins very often, and they are such a lovely apple. We have a few other dwarf apples (as well as dwarf pears, plums, apricots, peaches, nectarines) and it is so wonderful to have our own fruit, and to have a few different varieties.” | Tree Number Ninety Six Gail Willson Prunus persica ‘Frost’ ![]() “Peaches are my favourite fruit but I have been hesitant to plant one because of their reputation for needing a protected, south-facing spot and their proclivity for peach leaf curl. Then I learned about the Frost Peach which is resistant to leaf curl. I have planted it in a sunny location that is a bit protected from the winter winds and I hope to be getting fruit from it in 3-4 years.” |
Tree Number Ninety Five Mariev Wade Prunus domestica 'Early Italian' ![]() Mariev chose this Italian Plum variety for the earlier blossoming and fruiting. She also liked the compact size making pruning and harvesting much easier. Easy to grow this plum is self-fertile and hardy. The fruit is great eaten fresh, canned or dried. | Tree Number Ninety Four Ann Tiplady Acer circinatum ![]() “In the shade on the north side of our house I planted 4 native vine maples that I will espalier on the tall trellis style fence. I’ve been planning this for years and happy it is started. I’m happily imagining the birds and bugs using this wall of vine maple, and also hoping it will be colorful in fall. I have one native rhododendron with them, and hope to add more. They would grow tall and leggy in the shade there and should add beautifully to the espaliered maples. The groundcover below is native bunchberry, which is just getting started. Happy discover: the early morning sun in summer lights up this walkway, making the vine maples glow green, seen through the glass of the side door. I’m hoping this all works out as I’ve imagined it.” | Tree Number Ninety Three Ann and Hugh Porter Malus domestica ‘Bramley’ ![]() Bramley’s offer abundant production and the fruit is huge. Ann says you only need two to make a pie! This is Ann and Hugh’s third attempt to plant a Bramley apple. They planted one before, didn’t let it fruit the first year as recommended and on the second year found it was not a Bramley… this happened twice. Four years on they planted a third Bramley… fingers crossed, third time lucky! |
Tree Number Ninety Two Mariev Wade Thujopsis dolabrata ‘Variegata’ ![]() Mariev donated a form of the hiba arborvitae to the HCP. Mariev says “Since the original planting, the T dolabrata ‘Variegata’ have been a marked success for wreath-making because of the creamy white underside giving a lacy effect and proving to have a long-lasting freshness once cut. Working in the Memorial Wreath Garden, and sometimes on the Wreath Project, we realized that in this evergreen, we had a winner and could use more of the same.” | Tree Number Ninety One Robin Jones Magnolia grandiflora ‘Braken’s Brown Beauty’ ![]() In addition to the large flowers typical of the M grandiflora this cultivar has a striking cinnamon colour on the underside of the leaf. It is evergreen, cold tolerant and salt tolerant. Robin says “Magnolia planted due to losing my 150 yr old Garry oak. Had a nice shady garden and now too hot so having to replace shade lovers with sun lovers and hope this magnolia will eventually bring some shade.” | Tree Number Ninety Ann Tiplady Quercus garryana ![]() “We planted quite a few trees in 2021. This photo is the first two: two Garry Oaks planted on our boulevard by Oak Bay crew on Feb 10, 2021. We were thrilled to receive these trees, as we especially wanted Garry oaks, which we think are beautiful with their clustered leaves (adaptation to low rainfall) naturally creating dappled shade beneath. The neighbors also had one of these large Garry oaks, and a smaller sapling, so we’re on our way to a grove of oak trees. Lovely!” |
Tree Number Eighty Eight and Eighty Nine Jason & Collen Fuller Malus domestica ‘Suntan’ and Malus domestica ‘Jonagold’ ![]() Jason and Colleen planted two apples trees. Jayson says “My wife chose these two because they bloom at the same time, but the Jonagold is ready in early fall and the Suntan are better after a month of storage. So they will pollinate each other but the apples are at different times. They are on normal root stock, but we will be pruning them into shrubs, hence their current height.” So many ways to prune an apple... check out step, cordon or espalier methods for interest, space saving and ease of picking. | Tree Number Eighty Seven Monica Foster Cornus kousa ![]() Monica planted two Cornus trees on her birthday in June. Monica says “They are both gifts to our two daughters who live in Toronto and were unable to visit us due to COVID, both like white flowering trees.” | Tree Number Eighty Six Loretta and George Pyrus communis ‘Bosc’ ![]() Loretta and George replaced an old cherry tree. They chose a Bosc pear. This pear is easily identifiable by the narrow neck and russeted skin. It is a vigorous tree but won’t out grow your yard as it reaches only 14 to 18’ feet. Plant in full sun for tasty sweet juicy fruit. |
Tree Number Eighty Five Ellen Wellborn Cornus kousa ![]() “The Cornus kousa I have is rather open in form. My new little one (about 2.5 – 3 feet) is a seedling from a friend’s tree which is compact and dense and, despite being in the shade for most of the day, is very floriferous and very heavy with fruit every year. I am hoping this seedling will have some of the characteristics of its mother to somewhat block out the white wall of the neighbour’s house.” | Tree Number Eighty Four Kathryn Brun Cercis canadensis ![]() One of most interesting features of the Eastern Redbud is the flowers that bloom on bare wood in spring. This is not always true in Victoria however the large heart shaped leaves on this small tree make it a favorite of many gardeners. | Tree Number Eighty Three Dick Pitfield Prunus persica ‘Redhaven’ ![]() |
Tree Number Eighty Two Ginna Dowler Salix babylonica ![]() Ginna planted a weeping willow on a standard. Trees trained or grafted onto a standard are a great way to control the size of a large tree. This form is ideal for creating a focal point and adds interest to any style of garden. | Tree Number Eighty One Carol and Adam Hester Davidia involucrate ![]() Carol purchased this tree that once belonged to Neil Knowlton (a long time VHS member). Hankerchief trees are notorious for taking their time to bloom and as a young tree this one is no exception. It’s planted in the back corner of the garden where it will have lots of room to grow and …eventually bloom. | Tree Number Eighty Winnifred Armstrong Larix kaempferi or Larix decidua ![]() Winnifred isn’t sure which contorted Twisty Baby larch she planted. Larix decidua 'Horstmann's Recurved' is a slow growing, dense, upright selection of the European larch with bright green deciduous foliage, contorted, twisting, and draping branches. Larix kaempferi ‘Diana’ is similar but is faster growing with less contortion in the branching. This interesting conifer’s needles turn yellow in the fall and drop allowing the unusual growth pattern to be seen and enjoyed all winter. |
Tree Number Seveny Nine Brian Emery for Alida Pinus densiflora 'Oculus Draconis' ![]() Brain planted a Dragon Eye Pine. He wanted a focal point that didn’t take up too much room. He was drawn to the distinctive striped yellow and green needle colour. Needles are persistent but turn bright yellow in the fall. The bark cracks with age reveling a red underlayer. | Tree Number Seventy Seven and Seventy Eight Linda Derach for Tom & Victoria Acer palmatum ‘Sekka Yatsubusa’ and ‘Shigitatsu Sawa’ ![]() "I love trees and love to collect very small specimens and grow them on in a container. My garden is not big enough to plant them all, so when they get to a size where they really need to be in the ground, I often gift to a friend. My son Tom was landscaping in Nanaimo and loves Japanese maples as well, so I gave him Acer palmatum ‘Sekka Yatsubusa’. It is thriving in its new home with feet in the soil. Daughter Victoria was thrilled to get an Acer palmatum ‘Shigitatsu Sawa’." | Tree Number Seventy Six Jan Alexander Koelreuteria paniculata ![]() Place the Golden Raintree in the sun. It is a fast grower, requires little maintenance, has unusual feathery leaves, boasts a profusion of yellow flowers and is followed by lantern like seed capsules. |
Tree Number Seventy Five Loretta and George Prunus domestica subsp. Italica ![]() Loretta and George have a variety of old Dunnett farm fruit trees that have reached the end of their life. As they die, they are replacing them with different varieties of fruit trees. They chose a Greengage Plum which are a small and self-fertile tree. The fruit has a honey like flavour. | Tree Number Seventy Four Monica Foster Magnolia grandiflora ‘Moonglow’ ![]() Monica planted this upright evergreen magnolia on her birthday as a gift for her daughters. They both like white flowering trees. In addition to the large flowers the silver underside of the leaves gets well deserved attention. | Tree Number Seventy Three Phyllis Fafard Acer japonica ![]() A few years ago Phyllis was given a Japanese Maple seedling at the Victoria Master Gardner conference. She potted it up and this year it was ready to be planted in her garden. In the picture above she is checking the placement before making a final decision. |
Tree Number Seventy Two Jane Armstrong Crataegus douglasii ![]() Jane planted a native black hawthorn in her hedgerow to create shade and provide privacy. This is an attractive small tree with long thorns and edible dark red fruit. The clusters of scented white flowers attract pollinators for the nearby veggie garden. | Tree Number Seventy One Kathleen Brun Cercidiphyllum japonicum ![]() This tree is always included on professional gardeners and designers top ten list of favorite trees. Kathleen planted her Katsura on the west side of the house to provide shade. It is a fast growing tree but not a large tree. Heart shaped leaves emerge pink in the spring and turn a nice light green in the summer. In fall the leaves are yellow and red with a delicious smell of caramel. | Tree Number Seventy Ginna Dowler Ficus carica ![]() Ginna tells us “I planted a fig tree my mom bought for me from the HCP, the 'Empress Fig'.” All of the trees propagated at HCP come from a tree planted in the Empress Hotel garden in 1914. Check out the story here: https://hcp.ca/the-empress-fig/ |
Tree Number Sixty Nine Dennis and Ellen Welborn Acer palmatum ‘Krazy Krinkles’ ![]() Ellen says "25 years ago, I collected seed from various dwarf stature Japanese Maples. I planted a few of the resulting seedlings, each with a different leaf type, but I had none with curled or crinkled leaves… so, this fall, when the opportunity presented, I purchased two. I had difficulty in choosing between them, so I bought both. Krazy Krinkles has a red edge to the leaf and is narrower in habit than Shishigashira. Krazy Krinkles is replacing an evergreen shrub that has grown too large for its current space." | Tree Number Sixty Eight Dennis and Ellen Welborn Acer palmatum ‘Shishigashira’ ![]() Shishigashira is also know as Lion’s head maple due to the tightly congested leaves that some believe resemble a lion’s mane. Ellens says it will live in a refurbished bed with other shrubs. | Tree Number Sixty Seven Heather Marsman Malus x ‘Prairefire’ ![]() Heather needed a solution for an area in the garden where Japanese maples would not survive. She soon realized there was something wrong with the soil. After some research she found this small crabapple tree which is immune to phytophthora. Prairefire has masses of dark pink fragrant blossoms in the spring. The small red fruit is persistent for months and it has a nice compact size reaching 15 to 20 feet in height and width. |
Tree Number Sixty Six Susannah Day Magnolia grandiflora ‘Little Gem’ ![]() This is a charming little tree that has all the glam of the large species but comes in a little package growing to only 15 feet. It is a slow grower, so Suzanne purchased a mature tree. The evergreen canopy creates privacy and the large flowers are sweetly fragrant. | Tree Number Sixty Five Susan and Gary Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck Gold’ ![]() A space was created in the garden when Susan and Garry lost a plum tree. They chose this columnar beech variety that has bright yellow new growth in the spring to contrast with a nearby purple Cotinus coggygria. | Tree Number Sixty Four Brian Emery Davidia involucrate ‘Sonoma’ ![]() Brian placed his dove tree in a break in his hedge row. He wanted a tree that flowered in the spring. This variety blooms young with abundant large bracts. |
Tree Number Sixty Three Theresa Scholes Prunus persica ![]() Theresa planted her peach as close as possible to the house so the eves protect it from winter wet which contributes to leaf curl. Any effected leaves should be removed and thrown away immediately. Don't let them remain on the ground as they may reduce next year's crop. | Tree Number Sixty Two Carol Dancer for Neil Magnolia hybrid ![]() Carol planted this rare tree in Neil’s garden. It is a purple selection of Magnolia ‘Pegasus’ made by Peter Warton at UBC. The parent M Pegasus is white and one of the Great Plant Picks. Check out Great Plant Picks, they highlight “unbeatable plants” for pacific northwest gardens. | Tree Number Sixty One Rima Gardner Prunus cerasus 'North Star' ![]() "This little guy spent 2020 in a pot waiting for the old compost area to be relocated. It’s a perfect compact sour cherry ideal for cooler climates. The bright white flowers are self-pollinating. It likes the sun but tolerates all types of soil. It’s a profuse producer so lots of fruit for us and the birds" |
Tree Number Sixty Maureen Adams Quercus garryana ![]() Maureen donated and planted a Garry Oak in the meadow at HCP. She was assisted by Andrew, a student at HCP who, along with other students spent their last day of classes helping out. Maureen says “I love the majestic Gary Oaks near my home and was delighted when this opportunity came up to add to the meadow planting at HCP. I am sure “my tree” will be enjoyed for many years to come.” | Tree Number Fifty Nine Sandra Allin Joe Harvey’s Magnolia hybrid ‘Bella Bella’ ![]() Sandra purchased this tree at a VIRAGS auction. The label describes the tree as a “purple, white inside, spring, a true breeding hexaploid hybrid (liliiflora x Leonard Messel)”. Sandra is thrilled to have a Joe Harvey original in her garden. | Tree Number Fifty Eight Sue McKay Acer palmatum 'Twomblys Red Sentinel’ ![]() Sue’s new maple is a columnar form, with burgundy foliage and a fiery red display in the fall. It will slowly reach 10-15 ft tall and 6-8 ft wide. Sue says “Saw it and couldn’t resist. Its shape will be lovely against the fireplace chimney.” |
Tree Number Fifty Seven Donna Fremont for Erin Styrax japonicus ‘Emerald Pagoda’ ![]() Donna planted this close to the patio so everyone could enjoy this four season tree. Large white flowers in spring, followed by summer fruit, nice fall colour and interesting winter bark. | Tree Number Fifty Six Barbara Harris Quercus garryana ![]() Barbara and HCP student helper plant a Garry Oak for the HCP’s restoration project. It was a fun day for everyone! | Tree Number Fifty Five Donna Fremont for Erin Parrotia persica 'Ruby Vase' ![]() This showy small tree has outstanding fall colour. Donna placed it to maximize its form and colour. |
Tree Number Fifty Four Carol Dancer Acer griscum ![]() No garden should be without this tree! The bark peels into tight curls resulting in a texture and colour that is unmatched. It is a small tree with a pleasing mounding shape perfect for any garden. It’s the perfect companion for Carol’s amazing collection of interesting trees. | Tree Number Fifty Three Linda Miller Quercus garryana ![]() HCP Students helped Linda plant the tree she donated to the HCP Restoration Project. | Tree Number Fifty One and Fifty Two Donna Fremont for Erin Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ ![]() “My daughter built a new duplex in Victoria replacing a very small 1912 bungalow. Now two families can enjoy a new house and garden close to downtown. I selected the trees for the new properties choosing garden-size deciduous trees for summer shade and winter sun. The two red maple trees (Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’) complement the exterior house colours and link the two gardens.” |
Tree Number Fifty Sheilah Egan Pyres calleryana 'Chanticleer' ![]() "Chanticleer Flowering Pear. This tree was purchased as a companion tree to the Japanese Umbrella Pine, and being deciduous, is a lovely contrasting tree. I didn’t know exactly what I was looking for, but knew I wanted deciduous and flowering. This tree jumped out at me and begged to be taken home. There is a new fig on the other side of the fence, about midway between the Pear and the Pine, which will be a great background for these two with it’s dark, shiny foliage." | Tree Number Forty Nine Garnet Holizki Malus domestica ‘Scarlet Sentinel’ ![]() Scarlet Sentinel is the most compact in a series of dwarf columnar trees. The young bareroot tree was planted in the spring and managed to produce a large green apple with a red blush. | Tree Number Forty Eight Rima Gardner Acer palmatum 'Winter Flame' ![]() “I choose this tree for the bright winter coral bark. Spring foliage in lime green is a brilliant contrast to the bark. The fall colour is a mixture or red and orange.” |
Tree Number Forty Seven Sheilah Egan Sciadopitys verticillate ![]() Japanese Umbrella Pine or the kōyamaki, is a unique conifer endemic to Japan. It is the sole member of the family Sciadopityaceae and genus Sciadopitys, a living fossil with no close relatives, and present in the fossil record for about 230 million years. Sheila says “I chose this as I was looking for a conifer that did not get large. I especially like the lemony tones to the foliage and the soft needles. Being a living fossil also intrigues me and I plan to pair this tree with a ginkgo. I planted along the back of my property to add some privacy in the coming years.” | Tree Number Forty Six Theresa Scholes Malus pumila ‘Honeycrisp’ ![]() This tasty apple is yellow skinned with a flush of red. It is crisp, juicy, holds well on the tree and stores well. A nice addition to an edible landscape. | Tree Number Forty Five Debbie Guedes Acer ![]() Deb says “This was a chance seedling in my garden in North Saanich - under my large Bloodgood … but clearly a cross. Burgundy red … now quite different in fall.” Deb planted this in the ground this summer after a few years developing in a pot. |
Tree Number Forty Four Lynn Collicutt Cornus kousa ’Snow Tower’ ![]() “It took 7 years of living here until I have appreciated the dogwoods and now planted one of my own! I needed a narrow, small tree along the property line to screen out a neighbours sunroom. This tree will give late spring bloom, summer foliage and fall colour.” | Tree Number Forty Three Louise Potvin Eriobotrya japonica ![]() The Loquat is a small, short trunked broadleaf evergreen tree. It has fragrant flowers, editable orange fruit and the leaves can be used to make tea. | Tree Number Forty Two Theresa Scholes Malus pumila ‘Spartan’ ![]() The Spartan apple was developed in Summerland BC, in 1936. This one is grown on dwarf root stock. Theresa’s is growing it in an espalier style next to her patio. Regular pruning will keep this tree small with easily accessible fruit. |
Tree Number Forty One Mel McLeod Acer pseudoplatanus ‘Eskimo Sunset’ ![]() You can’t miss this tree in a landscape. Plant up close to enjoy the details in the foliage or at the edge of a property to draw the eye into the distance. The multicolour foliage varies with sun exposure. This trees matures to 10 feet wide and 25 feet tall. | Tree Number Forty Margaret Argue Acacia pravissima ![]() With a common name like Oven’s Wattle, it's no surprise this is a native Australian tree. This small weeping form has unusual triangle-shaped leaves and numerous yellow fragrant flowers. An interesting specimen above ground, but don’t break the roots — they smell like farts… yup, you read that right! | Tree Number Thirty Nine Louise Potvin Tsuga Canadensis 'Little Joe' ![]() Louise says she is running out of room for large trees, so she planted this sweet little gem in an alpine trough. Little Joe forms a dense bun with tiny buds and cones. Too cute! |
Tree Number Thirty Eight Debbie Guedes Acer palmatum ‘Ariadne’ ![]() When friend Jessica won twice at a VHS meeting raffle, she passed one of her wins onto Deb. It waited in the pot until Deb found the perfect spot and planted it this summer. This charming maple is in the "Matsumurae" group meaning very deeply divided. Deb says “It’s a beauty from spring thru autumn. Cream with pink margins in spring, maturing to green, red in fall. Leaves quite large.” | Tree Number Thirty Seven Jocelyn and Andrew Wade Thuja occidentalis 'Smaragd' ![]() "We needed a strong vertical in front of our tall house, beside a beautiful large rounded Acer palmatum. I was envisioning a lovely narrow Italian cypress but was told it would be far too wide and cost hundreds of dollars! So, this Emerald Green Arborvitae will have to do." | Tree Number Thirty Four, Thirty Five & Thirty Six Jo Wyld for Mindy Betula nigra ‘BNMTF’ Dura Heat River Birch ![]() Jo and helpers planted these three small but fast growing birches in Mindy’s renovated yard. In addition to the glowing yellow fall colour, the creamy bark peels in the winter to reveal a hidden pink layer. |
Tree Number Thirty Three Amy Sanderson Cornus mas ![]() Amy kicked off The Tree of the Month in February with this all-season tree. She planted it as part of a mixed hedge and was rewarded with winter scented flowers, brilliant red edible fruit and sparkling fall colour. | Tree Number Thirty Two Patti Wright Franklinia alatamaha ![]() Pattie is putting this gem in a pot to join her more than 100 other potted trees! Interestingly, this genus honours Benjamin Franklin, and has been extinct in the wild since 1803. Pattie’s picture shows the golf ball sized buds and three inch fall blooms on this unusual tree that is rated “difficult to grow”. | Tree Number Thirty One Don Lindsay Acer unknown ![]() Don has a beautiful acer in his garden. He doesn’t know the variety, but he wanted another one, so he tried his hand at air-layering. Never having done it before, he managed an impressive success on his second attempt. He planted his new tiny tree in a pot this spring. |
Tree Number Thirty Ruth Minshall and her grandson Desmond Aesculus hippocastanum ![]() Seven years ago, Ruth helped her grandson plant a horse chestnut seed in a small pot. Over the years they have potted it up and it is now taller than Desmond. Neither of them have room in their yards for such a large specimen, so they donated it to Oak Bay to be planted this fall along a walkway in Henderson Park. | Tree Number Twenty Nine Shona Lawson Malus fusca ![]() Shona purchased this tree from the Swan Lake native plant sale this spring. She chose it to create shade, because it's a native tree and for the spring flowers. Shona hopes the fruit will provide winter food for the birds and add fall and winter interest. | Tree Number Twenty Eight Garnet Holizki Malus pumila ‘Honeycrisp’ Dwarf M9 ![]() Garnet planted five apples this spring to start a small compact orchard. All are on dwarf stock, and have had their first summer prune to keep them 24 inches wide. The heat-dome took all of the fruit except this one that was hidden under protective leaves. It tasted as good as it looks! |
Tree Number Twenty Seven Shona Lawson Acer palmatum ‘Twilight Dwarf’ ![]() "I planted this tree in my front yard this spring. My front door is yellow, and this lovely maple's leaves turn yellow in the fall. It's a small tree, so it won't block light from a nearby window. I hope it provides some interest. It's underplanted with some hellebores.” | Tree Number Twenty Six Gerry and Jacqui Wilson Styrax japonica 'JL Weeping' PP#23,755 ![]() The common name of this pretty tree is Marley’s Pink Snowbell. Jacqui says “This is our new tree, planted in late spring for the 100 trees project. We had been looking for a tree for the far corner of the vegetable enclosure that wouldn’t become too large and overhang the raised beds. This tree flowers in late spring after the flowering cherries and plums are over, and will provide fall colour soon. A beautiful new addition to the garden.” | Tree Number Twenty Five Rima Gardner Styrax japonica ‘Snowcone’ ![]() "This small tree was covered in white bell-shaped blossoms when it was planted. They were followed by these pretty drupes that look like olives. I’m looking forward to the yellow fall colour.” |
Tree Number Twenty Four Janice Curry Sophora microphylla ![]() Janice planted a small New Zealand native tree this year that she grew from seed! The common name is “Kowhai”, which is the Māori word for yellow. The specific epithet microphylla means small-leaved. That about sums up this interesting tree with small leaves and large clusters of yellow flowers. | Tree Number Twenty Three Viv Davies for son Adam & family Malus domestica ‘Creston’ ![]() Our summer heat was hard on new fruit trees, but Viv’s grandchildren will be happy to share this tasty apple when it ripens. Creston apples are sweet, juicy and store well. They were developed in BC from the Golden Delicious apple, and have red stripes when mature. | Tree Number Twenty Two Michael Rogers Koelreuteria paniculata ![]() After Diane Pierce's enthusiastic presentation on the Indian Rain Tree in one of her 'Tree of the Month’ talks for the VHS, Mike was inspired to plant one in his sunny front garden, to help soften the view of the neighbour’s large blank white wall. Mike says "I am delighted with my choice. Having already enjoyed the lovely bronze new foliage in early summer, I was surprised and ecstatic when several large panicles of golden-yellow flowers emerged on the upper branches in mid-summer. I planted the tree in memory of my late wife Daphne who, growing up on a farm in Southern Alberta with a large shelter-belt planted by her grandfather, always appreciated trees planted to beautify and protect human habitations." |
Tree Number Twenty One Dana Gilliver & Brayden Gulka-Tiechko Magnolia grandiflora 'Bracken's Brown Beauty' ![]() Dana and Brayden tell us that they moved into their first house this year with a "barren, empty lawn..."hopefully this baby tree will grow into a dense privacy screen and be the future focal point for the eventual garden. It has already surprised us with an extremely late, huge bloom!” | Tree Number Twenty Marg Palmer with Paul Turmel Magnolia x soulangeana ![]() Marg is a long term volunteer at Kildonan, a heritage designated house and garden designed by Samuel Maclure in 1913. It was owned after WW2 by Count Albert DeMezey who was a famous rhododendron and orchid breeder. The Count was a friend and mentor to Peggy and Nicolas Abkhazi and Mr. DeMezey bequeathed the property to what is now the DeMezey Memorial Abbeyfield Legacy Society. Paul resides at Kildonan, he planted this Saucer Magnolia in honour of the VHS’s 100 year anniversary. Thank you Paul! | Tree Number Nineteen Agnes Lynn Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’ ![]() “After over 30 years of working in the garden, we don’t often plant more trees but this is in the middle of a damp area. All the plants in this area expired so we planted several new shrubs that are ok in moist areas and this tree is in the middle. It will survive in the damp area and is very attractive to be weeping.” |
Tree Number Eighteen Sue McKay Acer Palmatum ‘Hogyoku’ ![]() This cultivar is known for the bright pumpkin orange leaf fall colour. The name translates to Golden Jewel of Fall. Expected to live for 60 years it will grow to 15 x 15. Sue says “Saw this maple, fell in love with it and had to bring it home from Russell Nurseries to join the many other maples in our garden. Happy Birthday VHS!” | Tree Number Seventeen Barbara Abercrombie Quercus garryana ![]() Barbara donated a Garry Oak to Swan Lake’s restoration project. | Tree Number Sixteen Ruth Howell Pinus contorta ‘Spaan’s Dwarf’ ![]() Ruth planted this adorable dwarf pine in her rock garden. Trees come in all sizes! |
Tree Number Fifteen Delphia and John Scratchley Quercus garryana ![]() The Scratchley’s donated a tree to HCP’s restoration project. Horticulture students helped plant the trees this fall. | Tree Number Fourteen Mike McHugh and Ron Savoy Quercus garryana ![]() Mike and Ron donated a Garry Oak to Swan Lake’s restoration project. | Tree Number Thirteen Rima Gardner Cercis Canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ ![]() "This small tree produceces magenta flowers on bare wood followed by striking deep purple heart shaped leaves. It has interesting zig zag branches and really nice fall colour. This is my favorite tree!" |
Tree Number Twelve Dawn Sutherland Quercus garryana ![]() Dawn donated a Garry Oak to Swan Lake “To honour my father, Roy Sutherland, who made a passionate gardener out of me & whose own love, respect & protection for the many Garry oaks (& camas fields & fawn lilies) on our property inspired my own love & support for native plant restoration & especially for our glorious Garry oaks.” | Tree Number Eleven Jo Wyld for Beth Acer shirasawanum ![]() Who can resist a half moon maple! Jo added this feature tree to Beth’s patio renovation. | Tree Number Ten Jo Wyld for Gary Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck Gold’ ![]() When an old pear tree had to come down Gary couldn’t decide what to replace it with. Jo suggested complementing the gold trees and shrubs in the rest of the garden creating a bright and calm space. |
Tree Number Nine Shelia Egan Feijoa sellowiana ![]() New member Shelia made the best of this site after drain work required the asphalt to be removed. She amended with lots of richsoil and created a lovely new side garden. This is were she planted a weeping variety of eastern redbud with a twisted trunk that grows 6’H and 8’W | Tree Number Eight Mike McHugh and Ron Savoy Quercus garryana ![]() Mike and Ron have run out of room in their garden so have donated a tree to HCP’s restoration project. VHS Members that made donations were joined by students to plant the trees. | Tree Number Seven Eileen Bancroft Pyrus communis (multi grafts) ![]() Eileen replaced an old apple tree that succumbed to European canker with a grafted pear tree she planted this spring. Soon she will be harvesting a Rescue, Flemish Beauty, Bosc and a Bartlett pear. |
Tree Number Six Dick Bullard Quercus garryana ![]() Dick donated a tree to the HCP in honour of the 100 tree initiative. He was there to help plant it this fall. | Tree Number Five Tim and Carol Smith Feijoa sellowiana ![]() This small tree's common name Pineapple Guava comes from the fragrance of the flower and the eatable fruit. | Tree Number Four Heather Pass Sorbus ![]() Heather’s uncle gave her a Mountain Ash shortly after they moved into their home over 30 years ago. A seedling that germinated in the nearby garden bed was given to her niece to plant at her new home this year. |
Tree Number Three Barb Vucko Acer circinatum 'Burgundy Jewel' ![]() This tree was chosen because it's a native tree, so it will thrive in our wet winter and dry summers. It has beautiful colour and was perfect for this garden bed. | Tree Number Two Lynn Collicutt Eucryphia ![]() An uncommon evergreen with white flowers in late summer. This narrow variety was planted as a screen. Lynn is happy she doesn’t have to pick up the leaves. | Tree Number One Mary Spurr Cornus mas 'Jolico' ![]() Mary says this is one of her favorite four season trees even if this one is "a little runtie but they’re tough and I know in time with patience it will catch up". |
Municipal Tree Planting Initiatives:
Municipal tree planting initiatives are listed below. If you live in one of these areas check out the links, you may be eligible for a free tree!
The City of Victoria has a number of initiatives. General information can be found here at: City of Victoria Urban Forest Initiative. Get together with neighbours to plant a minimum of ten trees and apply for a $1000.00 grant. Details here at: My Great Neighbourhood and a fact sheet here at: Trees in Cities Challenge.
The City of Saanich provides trees for your boulevard. Details of the programs can be found here at: Saanich Partnership Tree Planting Program.
The City of Oak Bay has the perfect solution if there is no space for a tree in your garden. Details on donating a tree can be found here at: Tree Donation Program. The also have a program that supports planting our native Garry Oaks, details here at Grow the Oaks in Oak Bay.
No room for a tree? Check out our list of public gardens accepting tree donations, click 100 Trees Places to Donate a Tree
The municipalities also provide information on proven tree varieties for our area and how to successfully grow your tree to maturity. Check your area website or click on some of the links below for ideas and inspiration.
Saanich Preferred Boulevard Tree Selection List
City of Victoria Pesticide Reduction
Municipal Tree Plantings
Colwood Tree Planting Ceremony
Saanich Tree Planting Ceremony
Esquimalt Tree Planting Ceremony
Victoria Tree Planting Ceremony
Horticulture Centre of the Pacific (HCP) Tree Planting Ceremony.