Festive Floral Fare to Greet the Season

December’s meeting is our Christmas Event—no Pre-meeting Workshop. The guest speaker (back by popular demand) is stand-up florist and comic, Rob Jennings. Rob will entertain us with amusing but informative decoration-making demonstrations. Visit this talented florist at Jennings Florists Home & Garden www. jenningsflorists.com

A variety of Awards—including the Whiteoak Trophy, Unsung Hero, and Open Garden Cash Prizes—will add to December’s celebrations. And the LUCKY DRAW will be bigger and better than ever thanks to local merchants’ generosity!

Following tradition, please bring your favorite Christmas dish— savory or sweet finger-food—for all to enjoy. Bring food already portioned and ready to go on tables provided. We also encourage your Christmas creativity: please bring garden foliage decorations and/or table centerpieces to brighten the festivities. Meeting starts at 7:30 pm; please bring baking and decorations between 7:00 and 7:30 pm.